Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Point of View

Currently, I am in between chapters and I have realized something about this novel. It has become increasingly interesting to me because it is now in the first person point of view. The character telling this story from a personal point of view as it happened to him is intriguing. The first person point of view creates a more authentic story about the war. I can certainly say that if this book was written in third person or omniscient I would be less interested. For me, The Things They Carried would be a fight to get through, as war novels do not truly keep my attention. However, since this is being told from the first person, I get to read stories that seem as if they actually occurred; it almost feels as if the author is speaking directly to me, face to face. Actually, I am sure that some form of the story did happen somewhere in the war, as this novel is most likely catergorized as historical fiction. First person point of view is without a doubt allowing me to stay focused and curious about this novel.

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