Thursday, October 7, 2010

"Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring."

One of the forms used in "Delight In Disorder" is inversion. In different lines, the author applies the use of sentence inversion. Examples of these inverted lines are "a lawn about the shoulders thrown" and "A cuff neglectful." This technique adds to the meaning of the poem since it is about disorder; it literally causes disorder for the reader. The poem's focus is on imperfection which is the point of the poem- imperfection and disorder is more attractive than perfection. The poem format reflects its content; Herrick wrote the poem with the careful intention of  deliberately crafting his words to reflect the point he was intending to make in his poem.  Other ways Herrick added to the disorder were with an end rhyme pattern that was inconsistent and the syllables in each line changes mid-way through the poem, which throws the rhythm off.

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