Wednesday, April 6, 2011

The Kite Runner: Opinion Four

"I ran." (page 371)

So, to be perfectly truthful, endings such as this really bother me. I like stories to end in a way that they are wrapped up neatly and tied off with a perfect bow. When I read the last sentence, I was pretty mad at Hosseini because in my mind, ending a novel where everything isn't settled is what the author does when they're tired of writing. However, I've had some time to mull over this ending, and I have come to the conclusion that this is the best way to end The Kite Runner. The ending would be completely unfitting to the rest of the story if Hosseini would have concluded it happily; instead he ends it with a message of hope. Just as he has done a myriad of times in the book, he leaves the reader with a feeling of suspense, yet this time, it is one of positivity. It finally seems as if these characters will find some happiness in their lives. In applying this type of ending, Hosseini stays true to his writing style and the unfolding of the novel as well.

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