Friday, August 6, 2010

An Air About Her

In Chapter III, in the midst of dialogue between Brett & Jake, I read what an incredibly rude comment made by Brett. She says, "And you my dear. Where did you get it?" At first, I was really confused. Where in the world did an it come from? I reread the passage (on page 29-30) and finally it hit me. Brett was referring to Gearogette, who's profession is a harlot, as an IT. For those of you that don't know, a harlot is now more commonly referred to as a prostitute. Clearly, I understand that a harlot is definitely not a job title anyone wants to go home to brag to their parents about, but Brett's comment was uncalled for. It struck a nerve in me that a woman who was supposed to be a well-bred and polite lady would call another woman an "it." It shows me that her character is not one to be trusted and must be watched. It really saddens me as well, when an individual is so judgmental. Brett will undoubtedly get on my nerves through the novel.

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