Thursday, August 12, 2010


I wanted to write two blogs over Chapter XIX because not only is it the last chapter in The Sun Also Rises, but it also the only book in Book III. Therefore, when I was looking ahead to the end of the novel (I admit, I cheated a little bit because I wondered if it would ever end), I decided to save room for two blogs over it. After reading the chapter, I realized that even though I had enough literary terms already, resolution is a perfect term for it. Jake ends the chapter cleanly by leaving Mike "at the hotel...[where he] was going to stay in San Juan" (pg 234) and watching Bill go "through the gate to the train" (pg 235) back to Paris. Of course, what would the novel be without the return of Brett? He manages to bring Brett back to the story, but finish everything with her too. However, I do believe bringing Brett back into the story was an interesting choice. It would have been much easier to pretend she was still with Romero, but I suppose Hemingway/Jake realized that Brett had to return. It would have been completely unlike her character to stay with one man. Naturally, she had to run back to Jake, the man who loved her no matter what. Even though Jake resolved all the issues by this point, I do believe there is still a little bit of a conflict between Jake and Brett, yet we know that he is much more realistic about everything when he responds to Brett's musings with "yes, isn't it pretty to think so?" (pg 251) It is with this last poignant moment that Jake ties up everything neatly.

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