Friday, August 6, 2010

External Conflict

By Chapter VII, the reader is able to tell that there is much external conflict between Jake and Brett. Brett to put it quite simply is 'playing' Jake. In Chapter V, the reader can tell through a series of comments (as well as Cohn stating it) that Jake is very bitter about his & Brett's relationship. When Cohn states his opinion, "I don't believe she would marry anybody she didn't love,"( Jake responds, "Well, she's done it twice." As that conversation continues, we experience the bitterness right along with Jake. Back to Chapter VII, Jake is practically on his knees begging "Couldn't we just live together Brett?" Brett carefully shoots him down, in only the way a woman with the power of controlling unrequited love can. Jake continues to whine, asking questions such as "Why are you going away?" and "Where are you going?" and again "Can we go together?" Brett says no very sweetly to every request he has. Later as the chapter is dying down, the count asks Jake and Brett, "Why don't you get married, you two?"(pg 68) The two quickly come up with excuses. The conflict of their love, their careers, and leading their own lives is a lot to handle. To me, it seems that Jake would be willing to work out the issues, but Brett enjoys her flings too much to truly to commit to a man like Jake wants her to.

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