Thursday, September 30, 2010

"Crossing the Bar"

I found the poem "Crossing the Bar" to be kind of dull and boring. I understand the poem's attitude of acceptance toward death. I think the point is a very good one; eventually, we must all accept our inevitable death. I can see the extended metaphor, as well as the different metaphors throughout the poem. I know that the poet is hopeful toward his fate of death. But I cannot understand why I found this poem to be so dry! I don't think that it's because of the language or even the time period; I like other poet's work from this time period. There is beautiful imagery I will admit"; "the Twilight and evening bell," the Sunset and evening star," and the "when that which drew from out the boundless deep"are lines that I can easily picture in my mind. Since these are not the things that bother me about the poem, I am at a loss for what else it could be. I suppose it might be something I need to consider more thoughtfully. 

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